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Satellite PVR
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Set it up so you can enjoy TV from Bell Canada remotely

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Satellite PVR is a versatile application designed to enhance the TV-viewing experience for Bell Satellite TV customers who possess compatible smartphones and tablets. The tool is exceptional for anyone wishing to have control over their Bell Satellite TV HD PVR while on the go, ensuring users can schedule and manage recordings at their convenience, from any location.

The application provides a simple way for viewers to never miss out on their favorite television show or movie again, enabling them to easily set recordings directly from their device. The user-friendly interface mirrors that of your Bell TV HD PVR, offering a familiar navigation experience on your Android phone.

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One of the top features is its comprehensive program guide, which can be tailored to suit preferences such as language, genre, or ratings. Users can edit or delete any existing recordings and browse their schedule to stay organized.

The search functionality is intuitive, meaning less time is spent looking for content and more time is spent enjoying it. Additionally, this system doubles as a remote control, allowing commands for your HD PVR with just a few taps on your smartphone screen.

To access this service, make sure to be a Bell Satellite TV customer with a compatible 9241, 9242, or 9400 HD PVR Plus receiver. For seamless use, an existing Bell Satellite TV username and password are required. Instructions for account creation or credential recovery are provided within the platform for those who need them.

As a practical addition for managing home entertainment with ease, Satellite PVR promises to be an essential component for users seeking to tailor their television experience to fit their lifestyle.

This review has been crafted using the insights provided by Bell Canada.

Requirements (Latest version)

  • Android 10.4 Tiger or higher required

Information about Satellite PVR

Package Name ca.bell.android.BellRpvr
License Free
Op. System Android
Category Funny
Language English
1 more
Author Bell Canada
Downloads 1,785
Date Jan 29, 2016
Content Rating +3
Advertisement Not specified
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